Monday, April 20, 2015


We have come to the end of our semester and these are my personal reflections. At the beginning, I felt bad about the blog issue as I was new to it and so it as an extra work for, coupled with the fact that I joined the course three weeks later. My course mates who were to tutor me, were making matters worst for me as they were reluctant to do so. I joined wordpress but I was not getting anyway. Things changed when I began to use blog spot, where I started getting ever increasing views which motivated me to do more as it is an indication that people are interested in my ideas. Also, thanks to this blog, I feel happy that at least I have learned how impact the community-my long standing dream. I can do this not just by going to them physically but also by sharing my ideas to those who are interested in making a difference in their own community. But to be honest, updating my blog every week is somehow tiring but with determination it is possible.

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