Monday, February 23, 2015


                   FEED BACK OF CHAPTER 5                                                                                                      The first thing that struck my mind after reading chapter five is the issue of "Sterilization Camps." .This policy that was introduced by Sanjay Gandhi where people were sterilized forcefully is disheartening and against the natural laws of the almighty as well as the basic human rights and freedoms of people. It is true that large and explosive population situations have imminent danger and pose a societal issue, but the manner in which Sanjay Gandhi stepped in to curb this population explosion was rather inhuman. This is so because it was made mandatory to the point that government officials were threatened with salary cuts and suspension as well as physical arrest of people. Gandhi should have devised alternative measures of reducing the population such as education which works better than force, after all the developed countries who were one time faced with this situation didn't resort to this barbaric measures. This policy should not be adopted in Nigeria despite the population explosion, I think other measures such as education, and the use of contraceptives should be applied

Another striking aspect of chapter five is the issue of the article titled "The Gift Of The Dying". I cannot understand how a normal human being will see a misfortune of the like as the case of HIV/AIDS in Africa in general and South Africa in particular as a blessing. This an epidermic that has ruined Africa's economy and brought it to a halt, as more resources are directed towards the treatment of the affected people who cannot afford it due to poverty. Large populations should not be seen as a hindrance to economic development but rather as a stimulus which completely ties with Boserup's theory of "Necessity is the Mother Of Invention." China is a good example where this theory works best. It should be noted that the "disaster point" as proposed by Robert Malthus has never been experienced as he predicted after more than three centuries

Finally the discrimination meted out to girls is another issue of concern. As far as I am concerned is that one's children remain his children despite the gender. The issue of destiny come into play here in that if our children were not meant to take care of us when we are old, it will turn out to be so even if we discriminate or not. A girl child can grow up to take care of the family just as the male child, if she is given the chance to do so, she can even extend out of the family to the community and national as well as international level, this can be exemplified by case of the German Chancellor-Angela Merkel, Dilma Rousef of Brazil as well as the president of Liberia who are all females playing the role of men. What would have become of Brazil, Germany and Liberia if these people were discriminated upon. After all it is by these girls that we men discriminate against that are at the origin of our existence. So therefore gender inequality should have a place in Nigeria
  • I suggest that couples should have smaller families. This is so because with a small family size, the couples will spend less on education and other requirements of their small family, consequently with a reduced expenditure, they will be able to save and invest in sustainable assets which will finance their old age, thereby replacing the pension program which is absent in Nigeria
    > Children from small families have opportunities of better education. They are often enrolled in standard and up-to-date schools
    >Less expenses are associated with small family sizes which gives opportunity for investment
    >Small family sizes have high living standards due to reduced expenditure and an increase in savings
    >Children from small are "spoiled" as they are being provided with everything they need, giving them the impression that life is an easing-going thing, thus they lazy about and perform poorly in school
    >Also,small families lack initiatives as they are not pushed to the wall. People in big families tend to seek solutions every where which in turn brings development to the society as a whole
    Big families have a large labor force which is good for the family in particular and the economy as a whole. Also a large family develops a cooperative spirit which is good for community development. In addition, as the saying goes "necessity is the mother of invention" (Esther Boserup), where many people are involved, they will seek ways of increasing their sustainability which brings development
    Poor or inadequate education of children, limited social facilities, unnecessary and an unhealthy competition among family members for wealth and inheritance, very high expenditure. Children are not well brought up,  they often become worthless loafers
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