Saturday, February 28, 2015


Feedback of chapter 6.
Chapter 6 brings to us a picture of the hazards of being poor. The life of the poor according to the book revolves around risks. The poor bear enormous risks in every means of survival they undertake such as business risk where a fall in demand will affect them severely since their businesses are small, they face agricultural risks where a crop failure and falling agricultural prices can bring about misery to them as it is their only source of income, health hazards and political violence tend to affect them more than any other social class. Also in this chapter, the poor have no insurance companies to alleviate their situation and even where they are available, the poor rarely use them due to outright fraud, high premiums lack of credibility and adverse selection that characterize these insurance companies.

In view of these risks and lack of insurance against them, the poor are therefore advised to use the following measures to cope with their situation; they should diversify their activities, they should undergo temporary migration as well as being creative in their ways.

Poverty is a general state of scarcity or the lack of a certain financial or material possession that can sustain one. Poverty can also be seen as a state of financial or material inadequacy, where one is unable to attain his basic needs.
    According to the UN, poverty is fundamentally the inability of getting choices and opportunities, the violation of human dignity, lack of schools, hospitals, insecurity, powerlessness and expulsion, lack of land to cultivate on, living in marginal and fragile land without access to clean water.
    Going by the World Bank definition, poverty is a pronounced deprivation of well being and its takes many dimensions such as low incomes and inability to get basic goods and service to live in dignity, low levels of health and education, lack of access to clean water as well as insufficient opportunity to better one's life.


      After examining what poverty is and its effects on the human race, we are all called to action to eradicate poverty and Esther Duflo provides us with a “Social Experiment to Fight Poverty.” In this experiment, she encourages us to do our best to help the poor and avoid the Haiti quake after every 8 days. She provides us with a small experiment of breaking the whole procedure into smaller manageable sizes that we can easily shoulder. For more information, watch her video
         Another person who provides with a way out of poverty is Bunker Roy- Learning From a Barefoot movement. He comes from a wealthy family, he had a bright future of becoming an  influential man in the society, but he ignored all this because he had empathy for the poor. This serves as an example for us, we can become great even by trying to help the needy and not pursuing the big post in the society. 

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